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We are in Beta Testing and you can get a listing and free promotion as long as this directory is existing and we plan to run this directory for the next 10 years by donating to the growth of this directory, we accept any amount but of course our commitment are for those who greatly helped us maximize the potential of this directory.
We will continue to evolve.

Write us for instruction on how to get listed in our directory

This is an ads-free donation-based directory

We only accept websites that have a major focus on cryptocurrencies
and add value to the ecosystem. All links are reviewed by a human and
we regularly check the database in order to assure that all links are up-to-date and working.

Exceptions are:

– Sites that are not functional do not fulfill minimum usability requirements
– A duplicate sites
– The next copy-and-paste altcoin that brings nothing new to the table
– Referral links
– Scam / Ponzi sites, and High-Risk Investments.

Sites And Projects That We Will And Can Accept

– Platform and projects that uses or based in Cryptocurrency or promote the uses of Cryptocurrency
– Informative sites that promote the advancement of Cryptocurrency, we can accept new sites as long as there are
new updates
– Gambling And Gaming Sites or related as long as they are not marked scam or there are no legit accusations
– Contact us if your platform or industry is not yet on our directory we will look into it and add it